I've discovered Facebook. Nixter had to invite me twice before I agreed to join up. I discovered that all my Aussie blogger friends are on there. It's a quick and easy way to have a little interaction with long-distance friends. I have discovered that a lot of the young people in my church are there as well as some of my friends from Portland. It's nice to reconnect. (you have to use your full name, but only people who you approve as your friends can see your full profile.)
I am very glad you joined ;) It's fun because you can also play scrabble!
mmm, still trying to figure it out.
I've had a facebook since April, but rarely use it...none of my friends are interested in facebooking, or blogging either. I basically just started blogging to keep in better touch with my sisters, and it has helped.
I need to add to my previous comment. It has been fun getting to know you all in the process, and I have been encouraged by many of your blogs.
Hw is this diff from blogging?
On facebook what you have is a profile page that your friends can see. Anyone who is designated as your "friend" can see your profile and both parties have to agree to be linked in that way. Anyway, on your profile is a message board where your friends can leave brief messages. There are games and other silly fun things that you can add to your profile (interactive stuff your friends can access), you can send a private message like an email to your friends that others can't see. You can also add links to any other websites that you have like your blog and have the blog posts automatically feed to your profile.
I've been invited by several people but haven't been able to establish an account. I guess I will stick with blogger as I like its format better and just peek at facebook when I have that rare opportunity with someone else.
I'm not sure what I think about facebook yet. Rachel...you're out there too?
Rachel only has two friends...
Facebook is too random for me. I like to sit down and read a page without all the confusion. I like to write, I like to read, I like to meet people... The blog does that for me. (I'm much too simple for Facebook. Besides, James would not be happy.)
I don't like it either. I use it on occasion to communicate with Beth and Joe, but I much prefer blogging. I did look for several of my friends on Facebook out of curiosity, but didn't find anyone. When I talk to them about computer stuff they don't seem interested...too many other important things going on in their lives I guess. I did find our cousin John's daughter (Michelle) though. I wonder if she even knows who I am.
I don't disagree with your impressions guys. But one of the reasons I started blogging was to hopefully have interaction with long-distance friends. I found that they don't tend to come to my blog, or at least don't leave comments. I think Facebook is easier or more accessible, less intimidating for most people than a blog. It is frivolous and silly mostly, but if I can maintain some contact with friends I don't see much any more, than that's great! For instance, my niece in NE, a college student never visits my blog. But I've left her little messages and she's left me some. It's nice.
Tracy- Yeah, I can see how it would be great for that.
Well, Ain't it just cool how we are all so different? I'm feeling more human all the time. :O)
Tracy, My computer will not let me on facebook lately. Have you had any trouble?
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