Friday, June 08, 2007


Today was my first day of working more hours each week. One of my coworkers resigned recently and it gave the rest of us the opportunity to reassign hours between us. I elected to add 4 hours a week to my schedule, so I will be working full days on Fridays now instead of half days. This really isn't that big of a change anyway, since I rarely actually was able to leave at noon on my "half days". It's better for my attitude and mentality to just know from the get-go that I will be there until 4 or 5.

The other big deal at work is that I am finally going to teach my first patient how to use an insulin pump. Remember when I wore one way back when? It's taken all this time for me to finally have a person ready to start one on my watch. We get so few pump starts that us nurses kind of wind up fighting over them... Not really, but we all want to do them and they don't come along often. So I'm very excited. Our appointment is in two weeks.

I went shopping this evening for work clothes and did find some, but it was exhausting. I don't like clothes shopping any more than I like ironing the clothes that I wind up with... I hope you are all having a great weekend.


judi/Gmj said...

Do you have to wear scrubs? Excited for you about the pump!
It is Rose Festival here, remember?
I am staying home!!!

Rachel said...

So you shop for your own scrubs, anything you want? We all wear the same thing, but it's a different color for each day of the week. It gets less boring that way. I like your attitude about more hours!

Tracy said...

No, I don't wear scrubs any more. If I did, I wouldn't be complaining about the shopping. I have to wear real clothes and they have to be "business casual", wrinkle free, professional looking, etc. It's a pain in the patootey.

judi/Gmj said...

I hear you on the shopping for "business casual" thing. Seperates, or dress, pants or skirts, a real pain!! the new hours don't affect your time with Denis? And how is that hunky hubby of yours? :)

kristina said...

I don't like shopping or ironing either. I hope your insulin pump patient does well.

Priscilla said...

How great that you finally get to put into practice what you have learned...and help someone!

Sometimes I like shopping...but not all the time.

Martha said...

Shopping for casual clothes is fun, shopping for dressy is more difficult.

Gudl said...

All the best for your new job opportunity! We need nurses like you! That is a great profession.

kristina said...

How's it going?

Nixter said...

I get fed up with buying clothes for work too - BUT where I work it's pretty casual which is nice..

Woo Hoot to you and the pump lady - welldone my friend - you truly rock!