I'm feeling pretty good about what I've accomplished this week. I'm in the American Diabetes Association walk planning committee again this year and we are in full swing of our planning. I had some invitations that I was to deliver this week. On Monday I organized myself and Tuesday did the deliveries. At work, I have taken on an extra role as of about 2 months ago. I'm in charge of helping my manager with the in-hospital quality improvement projects. I have one big project that I'm working on that has to be completed by the end of August. This week I was able to discuss the project with two of my team members and schedule the chart review which is the bulk of the work. I will do the chart review on Monday and get the info to my team member. And finally, I'm in charge of getting a flyer completed for a diabetes health fair in October and have it distributed. I know that doesn't sound too difficult, but it actually is quite complicated. I don't actually make the flyer myself - I have to communicate with our marketing department clearly and effectively so that THEY can make the flyer for me... But that project is nearly done as well.
It just makes me feel content to think that I'm completing my responsibilities.